Our easy to navigate application is the first web-based employee benefit broker portal for automatically reporting to self-insured clients the financial status of their plans. On our system, benefit brokers set up their client plan assumptions one time. Then, after entering monthly claims data, the application does the rest automatically. In less than 5 minutes per month.
- Employer portal is completely branded to your employee benefit agency (shown above).
- Employer dashboards automatically reflect changes to their costs trends.
- Dashboard graphs can be ‘clicked’ to download the entire data set into .pdf – completely printable and branded – ready for your next client meeting.
- Automatically generate % renewal estimations, every month. No more surprises!
- Your client contacts are emailed automatically each month once their reporting is ready for their review.
- As a fully social application, client contacts can ‘click’ on any area of their dashboard or reports to pinpoint any item and ask a question to their consulting team. The application then allows for an ongoing conversation to proceed regarding any financial figures or estimations.
- Also, we offer outsourced underwriting services for your firm.